David Rokeby

Very nervous system

Intuitive Klangerzeugung durch freie Bewegung im Raum.


The goal was to create an environment in which physical actions generated visceral sonic responses that drew participants into an intense real-time feedback loop. Another goal was to create an environment where I as the artist could present a structure of possibilities rather than fixed events, sounds and images.
Reactions to and evaluation of the project:
The reaction was very positive. For many, it was the first non-encumbering interactive artwork that they had seen, and its ease of use and strong sense of bodily involvement meant that interest in it spread beyond the art and technology sphere to the dance, theatre, and music communities as well as the community of researchers developing technologies for the physically disabled.

VNS was innovative in 1983 when I presented the first results. At this time, there had been little visceral human/computer interaction. Others like Myron Kruger had done some similar things before. Very Nervous System was probably most remarkable for the intense directness of the interaction while using a diffuse interface that had no visual markers.

(David Rokeby)

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