Josh On

They Rule

Abbild der Macht

They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: the seven most powerful [link 01]

They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: the seven most powerful


Technische Beschreibung

They Rule is presented in Flash and makes use of PHP to connect to a MYSQL database.

Particular skills and resources necessary to realise the project:
Programming, design and anger
(Josh On)

  • › Medienkunst und Forschung [link 02]

» [link 03]

  • › They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: Old girls network [JPEG | 61 KB ] [link 04]
  • › They Rule 2004_screenshot_Find Path between two companies [JPEG | 27 KB ] [link 05]
  • › They Rule 2003_screenshot_connection between two companies [JPEG | 33 KB ] [link 06]
  • › They Rule 2004_screenshot_connection between two companies_extended [JPEG | 49 KB ] [link 07]