Josh On

They Rule

Abbild der Macht

They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: the seven most powerful [link 01]

They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: the seven most powerful


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

They Rule aims to provide a glimpse of some of the relationships of the US ruling class. It takes as its focus the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors. Some individuals sit on 5, 6 or 7 of the top 500 companies. It allows users to browse through these interlocking directories and run searches on the boards and companies. A user can save a map of connections complete with their annotations and email links to these maps to others. They Rule is a starting point for research about these powerful individuals and corporations.

  • › Medienkunst und Forschung [link 02]

» [link 03]

  • › They Rule 2001_screenshot_map: Old girls network [JPEG | 61 KB ] [link 04]
  • › They Rule 2004_screenshot_Find Path between two companies [JPEG | 27 KB ] [link 05]
  • › They Rule 2003_screenshot_connection between two companies [JPEG | 33 KB ] [link 06]
  • › They Rule 2004_screenshot_connection between two companies_extended [JPEG | 49 KB ] [link 07]