Steve Dietz, Carl DiSalvo, Nathan Hactivist

Telematics Timeline

Interaktive Open-Source Timeline für Medienkunst und -technologie

Telematics Timeline_screenshot_entry: N Schöffer 1978

Telematics Timeline_screenshot_entry: N Schöffer 1978


„One of the things I found out in researching the Telematics Timeline, which is intended as an open source context for the works in the Telematic Connections exhibition—anyone can add their own examples to it— is that there is a well-articulated, if not well-known history of such works and events. Whether it is Myron Krueger´s “ responsive environments” from the 70s in relation to Victoria Vesna’s Community of People with No Time or Joseph Weizenbaum’s Eliza (1966) in relation to Maciej
Wisniewski’s Netomatheque or Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz’s Satellite Arts Project (1979) in relation to Paul Sermon’s Telematic Vision, there are important precedents for almost every work in the exhibition.“

„ (...) I don’t see the website, which I collaborated with Carl DiSalvo, as “just” a reflection of the physical exhibition. It’s like Englebart ’s idea of human intelligence augmentation. The symbiosis of physical and virtual installations is a complex system, which feeds on itself to allow possibilities that cannot be achieved in either dimension alone .“

(Both statements are quoted from: