Vuk Cosic

The ASCII Unreal

Modified level of the computer game "Unreal"

The ASCII Unreal

The ASCII Unreal


For his level of "Unreal", Vuk Cosic removed all the concrete elements of the three-dimensional space, replacing them with surfaces consisting of letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. The work, created for the "Synreal" exhibition of the Viennese T0 media art project, thus demonstrates the absurdity of the perfectionism with which three-dimensional reality is represented in most first-person shooter games. At the same time, it confronts current high-end computer graphics with the history of computer screen display: until the nineteen-nineties, standard computers had an interface limited to green letters on a black background. As a member of the ASCII Art Ensemble (together with Walter van der Cruijsen and Luka Frelih) he developed works at the end of the nineteen-nineties that transformed moving and stationary images into wastelands of letters (ASCII is the standard computer character set). Thereby they transported into the art scene a practice of hacking that dated from a time when computers did not as yet have graphical interfaces, linking these with a tradition of scripts and visual or "concrete" poetry that dates back to antiquity.
(Tilman Baumgärtel)

Artists / Authors


Slovenia, 1999


» http://www.ljudmila.…g/%7Evuk/ascii/unreal


, Apr 8, 2004

