Prof. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, George Papagiannakis, Marlène Arévalo, …


Virtuelles Leben in Pompeji

LifePlus_scene 1_Octavia

LifePlus_scene 1_Octavia

Theorie / Forschung

The partners of the LIFEPLUS project consortium contribute to the exploitation of the project results, according to their own status, aims and objectives thus receiving different benefits:

- The RESEARCH partners (FORTH, UNIGE, EPFL, IGD) undertake the responsibility of dissemination to the scientific community. The results of this work has been submitted for publication in journals and presentation at scientific meetings, such as the major computer graphics and virtual environment and Augmented Reality conferences (SIGGRAPH, IEEE Virtual Environments, Eurographics and Eurographics Workshops on Virtual Environments and Rendering, ISAR, IWAR etc.), as well as smaller, focussed workshops that combine technology and the cultural field, such as the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM), the series of Virtual Archaeology conferences, etc. This will be done throughout the development process to ensure peer review of the work as well as valuable feedback on the techniques being developed.
- The TECHNOLOGY providers (INTRACOM, VMSL, Bionatics, noDna and A&C 2000) use their contacts to decision-makers in the multimedia and telecommunication industries to promote and market the LIFEPLUS products. They will generate additional revenue by selling the software and hardware components, the technical services, and by administrating the LIFEPLUS services.
- The USERS GROUP of the consortium (University of Milan, Pompeii Superintendence) will support marketing efforts by providing access to reference installations and by disseminating information about the project’s results among potential users. They will benefit from using the LIFEPLUS system in-house, and they may generate additional revenues by increasing the number of visitors to the trial sites.

Ausstellungen / Präsentationen
