Prof. Hiroshi Ishii

Tangible Bits

Tangible User Interfaces

Tangible Bits_The relationship between the center and periphery of awareness in physical space, and graspable media and ambient media.

Tangible Bits_The relationship between the center and periphery of awareness in physical space, and graspable media and ambient media.

Media Files


At the seashore, between the land of atoms and the sea of bits, we must reconcile our dual citizenships in the physical and digital worlds. Our windows to the digital world have been confined to flat rectangular screens and pixels – “painted bits”. But while our visual senses are steeped in the sea of digital information, our bodies remain in the physical world. Tangible Bits give physical form to digital information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible. Tangible bits pursues seamless coupling between these two very different worlds of bits and atoms, blurring the boundary between science-technology and arts-design. (H. Ishii)
Tangible Bits is an ongoing research project of the Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Laboratory

Artists / Authors


United States, 1995-2004


» http://tangible.medi…ble_Bits/projects.htm


, Mar 3, 2004

