Pierre Dutilleux, Christian Müller-Tomfelde


Architecture and Music Laboratory

AML_GraphicalUserInterface [link 01]




Innovative aspect of the project & particular research interest:
- To Provide a complete interactive environment for room simulation with a library of dry sounds and musical excerpts. Catalogue of real spaces, that have been measured for that purpose, and of basic shapes that have been selected for pedagogical purposes. A model of spherical resonator has been specifically developed.
(Pierre Dutilleux)

- Many projects demonstrate room-acoustics but the AML has a unique and an in-depth approach that allows to experience and learn by listening.
(Pierre Dutilleux)

Particular skills and resources necessary to realise the project:
- Real-time sound-processing systems, psychoacoustics, room-acoustics, interface design.
(Pierre Dutilleux)

Reaction to & evaluation of the project:
- A great number of persons learnt something new about room-acoustics, even experienced people such as composers and computer music specialists. That was the first time that they had a system devoted to experiencing the relation between sounds and performance space. Some composers spent hours playing with the installation.
(Pierre Dutilleux)

Expansions, updates & follow-up projects:
- Müller-Tomfelde had developed low-latency-convolution schemes to process and select the measured impulse responses. In the following years he will apply this technique in a number of projects on audible presentations.

- The specially developed model for the basic shape was developed further.

- The possibility to identify a room by listening to sounds was the starting point of the EU-Project Sound Object (www.soundobject.org).
(Pierre Dutilleux)


  • Jean-Marc Jot, Efficient models for reverberation and distance rendering in computer music and virtual audio reality. In: ICMC Proc. 1997, pp. 113-120
  • Pierre Dutilleux. Filters, Delays, Modulations and Demodulations: A Tutorial. In: Proc. DFX98. Digital Audio Effects Workshop, IUA-UPF, Barcelona, November 19-21, 1998. pp. 4-11
  • Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Low-latency convolution for real-time applications. In: Proc. of the 16th AES Int. Conf. on Spatial Sound Reproduction, Rovaniemi 10-12 April 1999
  • Davide Rocchesso, Pierre Dutilleux, Generalization of a 3-D Acoustic ResonatorModel for the Simulation of Spherical Enclosures, In: EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing. March 2001 No. 1, pp. 15-26
  • › Medienkunst und Forschung [link 02]
  • › Paper_AML_1999 [PDF | 1 MB ] [link 03]
  • › AML_Reduced Exhibit_desktop&headphones [JPEG | 39 KB ] [link 04]
  • › AML_Installation at ZKM [JPEG | 32 KB ] [link 05]
  • › Experimental setup for room impulse measurement [JPEG | 9 KB ] [link 06]
  • › Implementation of the basic shape "Free Field" [JPEG | 17 KB ] [link 07]
  • › Implementation of the basic shape "Cylinder" [JPEG | 21 KB ] [link 08]
  • › Paper_Christian Müller-Tomfelde: Low-latency convolution for real-time applications. 1999 [PDF | 211 KB ] [link 09]
  • › Paper_Davide Rocchesso, Pierre Dutilleux: Generalization of a 3-D Acoustic Resonator Model for the Simulation of Spherical Enclosures. 2001 [PDF | 423 KB ] [link 10]