Jim Campbell


Interaktive Videoinstallation

Hallucination [link 01]



Inhaltliche Beschreibung

"Hallucination" is a more elaborate version of "Interactive Hallucination" which was originally shown in 1988. Hallucination creates an image in a video "mirror" that distorts the reality of the live image by engulfing the viewer in flames in image and sound. The flames are only superimposed (keyed) where the people are within the image. The rest of the image reflects an accurate representation of the room. The flames are in color and the rest of the image is in black & white. The volume of the burning sounds is proportional to the distance of the viewer from the mirror. In other words, when no one is within the range of the mirror, there is no sound, and the closer the viewer gets to the mirror, the louder the flame sounds get. Another distortion of reality in the “mirror” is in the form of a virtual woman (she can be recognized on the videotape and slides by the fact that she is wearing a gray jump suit and she is not on fire). From time to time, this woman shows up in the reflection. The viewer might be standing looking at a reflection of themselves burning, and all of a sudden, a woman will be standing next to them in the reflection, but in reality there is no one next to them. Sometimes this woman does things that affect the live image. For example, she flips a coin and if she gets tails the viewers disappear, and if she gets heads they reappear. (Jim Campbell)

  • › Medienkunst und Forschung [link 02]

» http://www.jimcampbell.tv/ [link 03]

  • › Demo [RealMedia] [link 04]