Cyrus F Nourani

Virtuelle Macrodot Morph Kino und das Fernsehn

Mannikin kann das getanzt nicht lassen





Intelligent Multimedia is applied with multimedia interfaces to areas ranging from virtual reality tangible media and multimedia learning with interactive media, to television programming, telecommunications media, business and financial computing to multimedia commerce. The specific applications to TV programming motion pictures, and personalization is presented in brief here. The principles defined are practical artificial intelligence and its applications to multimedia. Multimedia AI systems are designed according to the new computing techniques defined. The concept of Hybrid Picture is the start to define intelligent multimedia objects. Visual dynamics based on general principles can be projected and the effects of scenes projected on viewers can be predicated. The ratings for TV programs might be predicted based on the relations amongst scene dynamics and viewer Dynamics. Agents at each world that compliment one another to portray a stage by cooperating. The IM agent computing techniques can be applied to define interactions amongst personality and view descriptions. The basis to a Haptic computing logic is developed and presented elsewhere.



Deutschland, 1997-2004

Partner / Sponsoren



Intelligent Multimedia is not mere AI techniques for manipulating independent multimedia interfaces. It is an entire new computing paradigm with a computing logic and foundations being developed. It is to be applied with multimedia interfaces to areas ranging from virtual reality tangible media and multimedia learning with interactive media, to television programming, telecommunications media, business and financial computing to multimedia commerce. The specific applications to TV programming motion pictures, and personalization is presented in brief here. There is a basis for the development to the foundations to human thinking and learning. Modern graphical interface techniques and explicit support for the user's problem-solving activities can be managed with IM. The principles defined are practical artificial intelligence and its applications to multimedia. Multimedia AI systems are designed according to the new computing techniques defined. The concept of Hybrid Picture is the start to define intelligent multimedia objects. Trans-Morphing is the automatic hybrid picture transformation, which is defined and illustrated by a multimedia language. Visual dynamics based on general principles can be projected and the effects of scenes projected on viewers can be predicated. The ratings for TV programs might be predicted based on the relations amongst scene dynamics and viewer Dynamics. The basic technique to be applied is viewing the televised scene combined with the scripts as many possible worlds. Agents at each world that compliment one another to portray a stage by cooperating. The IM agent computing techniques can be applied to define interactions amongst personality and view descriptions. The basis to a Haptic computing logic is developed and presented elsewhere.

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 03.11.2003



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