Dr. Phoebe Sengers

Computerwissenschaftlerin und Kulturtheoretikerin, United States

Phoebe Sengers

Phoebe Sengers

netzspannung.org Contributions



Phoebe Sengers teaches presently at Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y., USA after working for the GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik (today Fraunhofer-Institut for Media Communication, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab) und at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. She studied Computer Science and Cultural Theory and won many scholarships and awards.


» http://www.cs.cornel…l.edu/people/sengers/



10/01-present : Assistant Professor at the Department of Science & Technology Studies and Program in Information Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA; 8/99-10/01: Research Scientist at the German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD – today Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab), Sankt Augustin, Germany; 9/98-7/99: Fulbright Scholar at the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany; 8/90-8/98: Self-defined Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and Cultural Theory (8/1998) at the Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; 8/86-5/90: B.S. in Computer Science; minor in German (Departmental Honors) at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; 7/87-8/90: Researcher and User Consultant at the Naval Research Laboratory Connection Machine Facility, Washington, DC; 1/89-5/89: Research Assistant st the Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science, Baltimore, MD.

Extensive list of publications and lectures held at conferences; winner of many scholarships and awards (e.g. Fullbright Fellowship, AAAI Doctoral Consortium and NSF CARREER Award).


Publikations (selection):

MATEAS, Michael; SENGERS, Phoebe (eds.): Narrative Intelligence. Advances in Consciousness Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003. / SENGERS, Phoebe. The Agents of McDonaldization. In PAYR, Sabine (ed.): Agent Culture, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. / SENGERS, Phoebe: The Engineering of Experience. In: BLYTHE, Mark A.; MONK, Andrew F.; OVERBEEKE, Kees; WRIGHT, Peter C. (eds.): Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment, Kluwer 2003. / SENGERS, Phoebe: Narrative and Schizophrenia in Artificial Agents. In: MATEAS, Michael; SENGERS, Phoebe (eds.): Narrative Intelligence, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003. / SENGERS, Phoebe: Narrative Intelligence. In: DAUTENHAHN, Kerstin (ed.): Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology. Advances in Consciousness Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2000. / SENGERS, Phoebe: Fabrikation der Subjekte: Verdinglichung, Schizophrenie, und Kuenstliche Intelligenz. In: LOVINK, Geert, SCHULTZ, Pit (eds.): Netzkritik: Materialien zur Internet-Debatte, Berlin: Edition ID-Archiv, 1997. / SENGERS, Phoebe: Technological Prostheses: An Anecdote. In: LOVINK, Geert, SCHULTZ, Pit (eds.): ZKP-4 Net Criticism Reader, 1997.
