Mona Schieren

Kunsthistorikerin, Germany





Mona Schieren was awarded her first degree at the University of Economy and Politics, Hamburg, from where she graduated with the equivalent of an MSc in Business Administration. Afterwards she studied History of Art at he University of Hamburg and the École Nationale Suprieure Art de Nice. She held a research stipend of the University Hamburg for her MA-research project in Paris. Mona Schieren worked and participated in various galleries and projects among them the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen and the Muse Picasso In Antibes.



Her publications and French translations include works about Annette Messager, Otto Mueller, Mediatheory, Mediation Issues and the Financing of Projects. She is a lecturer at the Department of Cultural History, University of Hamburg and currently holds a post as a research associate at the University of the Arts Bremen where she is also the project-manager of the iMediathek, Transmetteuse.


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