Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik

Professorin für Informatik, Germany





Katharina Morik received her Ph D at the university of Hamburg 1981 and
worked in the well-known natural language project HAM-ANS at Hamburg from
1982 to 1984. Then, she moved to the technical university Berlin and became
the project leader of the first German machine learning project, KIT-Lerner.
From 1989 to 1991 she was leading a research group for machine learning at
the German National Research Center for Computer Science at Bonn. This team
developed the MOBAL system within the ESPRIT project Machine Learning
Toolbox (P2154). In 1991, she became full professor at the university of



Interests are in all kinds of applications of machine learning. This also
covers cognitive modeling of theory acquisition and revision.

Works / Projects

Together with Professor Yves Kodratoff, she organized the first European
Summer School on Machine Learning and gave a tutorial on this topic at the
ECAI-88. She was the chair person of the 11th German Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence in 1987 and organized an international workshop on "Knowledge
Representation and Organization in Machine Learning" in the same year. The
fourth European Working Session on Learning was chaired by her in 1989. At
the IJCAI-91 she organized a workshop on "Evaluating and Changing
Representation in Machine Learning", together with Francesco Bergadano and
Wray Buntine. Until 1994 she was the leader of the German special interest
group in machine learning of the German Society for Computer Science.


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