Frédéric Durieu

Artist, Germany





Frédéric Durieu Born in Bruxelles in 1967, Durieu spent his childhood in the Belgian countryside. He was influence by his engineer father as a very young boy and became fascinated with science, nature, and everything to do with air and sky. He studied civil engineering (polytechnique) at Université de Louvain-La- Neuve. There, he discovered computers (Apple) and programming.

He conluded his studies with a thesis on the production of a plant- growth simulation program. In 1993, Durieu met Yves Bernard, with whom he founded Magic Media, a multimedia production company in Bruxelles. He developed many widely acclaimed CD-ROMs, including Promenade dans l'Art du XXe siècle, Le violon des hommes et des œuvres, and L'art du Moyen Âge.

In 1998, he met New York multimedia specialist Kristine Malden and settled in Paris. With Murielle Lefèvre and Jean-Jacques Birgé, he co-authored the Alphabet CD-ROM, which received 14 prizes worldwide. This is the first true work in which he could fully express himself, exploring all the possibilities of interactivity with utmost freedom.

In 2000, Frédéric and Kristine invent SetSearch, a visual search engine based on set theory.

Toward the end of 2000, he creates the multimedia production company LeCielEstBleu, whose associated Web site is an interactive art gallery:

With Jean-Jacques Birgé doing the music, Frédéric produces an animated puppet bestiary called the zoo, in 2001. It is a phenomenal success, attracting over 400,000 visitors.

Zoo was exhibited at Centre Pompidou during the summer of 2002.


Works / Projects

Projektgruppe LeCielEstBleu


Additions to Keyword List