Andrew Vande Moere, Patrick Keller

Recombinant Realities

The Design of a Multi-User Environment in Cyberspace

Agitated Space

Agitated Space



The combination of the field of architecture and currently available multi-user technology could be considered as an ideal testbed for designing the vision of shared cyberspaces. A concrete CAAD course is described to demonstrate how architectural knowledge is used to create a virtual exhibition inside an online, three-dimensional, avatar-based environment. Furthermore, the theme ‘Recombinant Realities’ is proposed by fabric | ch [1] as an imaginative layer that tries to connect and elaborate the various ideas proposed by the different student groups. This concept represents a hybrid and mutated reality, as it suggests that real and virtual environments can be ultimately connected and mixed. Additionally, some issues dealing with the technical implementation and the remote collaboration process involved are explained. As a result, the created electronic world itself proves how both artistic and academic domains can merge their conceptual ideas into a creative and educational course.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Schweiz, 2000-2001

Partner / Sponsoren

ETH, Chaire of Architecture and CAAD; Zürich


» http://caad.arch.eth…teaching/praxis/ss00/

Eingabe des Beitrags

Andrew Vande Moere, 15.06.2001



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