Maaike Lauwaert

Toys, Games and Playing as a Window on Society and Culture

Conference "Das Spiel mit dem Medium"

Maaike Lauwaert

Maaike Lauwaert

Media Files


Toys, games and playing can be considered a window on the society and culture of which they form a part. How toys and the games we play change and evolve is influenced by and influences how we think about toys, games, and playing, the ideas surrounding why we play, how and what we should play and the function of playing. But toys, games and playing are not only influenced by the cultural value attached to them and the ideas surrounding them, historical forces such as urbanization, industrialization, commercialization, and globalization also shape them. To what extend influence computer games our culture today? The playful way in which numerous artists use computer games is a clear sign that indeed toys, games and playing influence, mirror, and shape the society and culture while at the same time they are shaped by that culture and society.

Artists / Authors



Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Hamburg, Germany


Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HBK), Braunschweig, Germany

Partners / Sponsors

In Cooperation with Institut für Medienforschung, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany


» http://rzlpws50.hbk-…


, Dec 7, 2004

