The Specification of Software System of Carry-on:

System Analysis and Design


1. System Overview

Refer to Shu Lea's proposal in Appendix A


2. The Software Architecture

This system is desired to run on internet in a distributed manner. It could be carried out by clients/server architecture. It consists of three or two clients. One is responsible for uploading or specifying the contents of the suitcase to the server. The other is for inspecting the contents of the suitcase. The server responses to requests such as uploading or inspection of the contents of the suitcase. It stores the uploaded data from uploading client into its database, retrieves the database and transfers requested data to the inspection or uploading client, and some other necessary operations for keeping the data consistency between the uploading, inspection client and server. Observer could be considered as a special Inspectionclient.


3. The Processing Pipeline


3.1 Uploadingpipeline


This pipeline could be divided into three (or two) components. One is for providing tools to allow the user conveniently specify the data items in the suitcase image (the contents of the suitcase). Its input, output and logical processing are as follows:

Function : Specification of the data items in suitcase

Input: The image of suitcase from the database of the server

Output: A description of specification of data items in the suitcase

Logical Processing: 1)login the database in the server, ask for the readpermission of server's database, and receive the suitcase image, ID etc from the server and logout; 2) display the suitcase image in the canvas of window, specify (or mark) the data items using rectangles , input the URL description for each specified data item(some editing tools might also be needed); 3) save them in a temporary buffer or disk file .


The second is for initialisation of the suitcase data in the database of server(this one can be carried out as a special case of the third one)

Function : Initialisation of suitcase data on the server

Input: The suitcase image , suitcase ID etc for initialisation

Output: Success or failure

Logical Processing: 1)login the database in the server, ask for the writepermission of servers database 2) If success, transfer the suitcase image, ID etc to the server; 3) return success or failure.


The third is for transferring the description specified data items, and store in the database of the server.

Function : Transferring the description of specified data items

Input: The temporary buffer or the disk file that includes the description

Output: Success or failure

Logical Processing : 1)login the database in the server, ask for the writepermission of servers database 2) If success, transfer the data in the temporary buffer to the server; 3) return success or failure.


3.2 Inspectionpipeline:


The following pipeline is a general one. We can need to discuss how to get a reasonable simplification of this pipeline.

It also can be divided into three components. The first one is for browsing all the suitcase images in the database of the server.

Function : Browsing all suitcases in the database

Input: Inspectors account, and password

Output: All the suitcase images of from the server

Logical Processing: 1)login the database in the server, ask for the readpermission of servers database; 2) Allocate a suitable buffer to receive all the suitcase images, ID etc from the database( or page by page); 2) display all the suitcase images in the buffer to inspector; 3) Scroll them frame by frame .


The second one is for checking the contents of suitcase. It is fired by mouse click on the suitcase image.

Function : Inspecting the data items in the suitcase

Input: The suitcase image, ID and file name

Output: A randomly packaged data items contained in the suitcase and a window of URLs

Logical Processing: 1)Ask the server transfer all thenecessary information to the client, and receive and save them in a temporary buffer; 2) When the inspector click on the rectangle region of a specific data item in this suitcase image, generate a new position for this data item, and copy pixels in the rectangles to the new position, and its URL description will appear in the specified text field of interface window; 2) Save the modified positions in the temporary buffer, store the URL description of clicked data items into a disk file and display them in a separate window.


The third one is for transferring the modified positions of data items back to the database of the server.

Function : Transferring the modified positions of data items back to the server.

Input: The temporary buffer or the disk file which have the description of modified positions

Output: Success or failure

Logical Processing: 1)login the database in the server, ask for the writepermission of servers database 2) If success, transfer the modified positions to the server; 3) return success or failure.


Annotation: Shu Lea requires that the separate URL window will still be visible after the InspectionClient exited.


4. The Data-steam, Data Items.


4.1. The Data steam and Data Items for Uploading


The uploading login data stream=Account + Suitcase ID + Password + {Control Status for synchronization}

The description of Suitcase = Suitcase ID + Suitcase Image+ ID Image +Annotation

The Contained Items= Suitcase ID + DataItem ID + Initial position+ Current Position+ URL Description+ {Control Status for synchronization}


Account= strings of digitals and letters, and its length is less than MAXIMUM_CONSTANT_STRING;

Suitcase ID= Unsigned Integer less than MAXIMUM_PARTICIPANT

Password= strings of digitals and letters, and its length is less than MAXIMUM_CONSTANT_STRING;

Control Status=Read Permission + Write Permission;

Read Permission= True | False;

Write Permission= True | False;


Suitcase Image= Filename + Image Format

ID Image=Filename + Image format

Filename= strings of digitals and letters, and its length is less than MAXIMUM_CONSTANT_STRING;

Image Format = JPEG | BMP // At present, only JPEG are required by Shu Lea.


Annotation = text description if necessary


DataItem ID= Unsigned Integer less than MAXIMUM_ID_NUMBER

Initial Position= Rectangle

Current Position=Rectangle

Rectangle=(2D pixel-based coordinates of starting vertex, 2D pixel based coordinates of ending vertex)

2D Pixel-based coordinates= (x, y) in pixels, and its origin of the coordinate system is located on the top-left of suitcase image.


URL Description= string abiding by the URL convention


4.2. The Data steam and Data Items for inspection


The Inspecting login data stream=Account + Password + {Control Status for


The description of Suitcase = Suitcase ID + Suitcase Image+ ID Image

The Clicked Items= The Contained Items



4.3. The Database and Data Items on the server


The Inspecting login data stream=Account + Password + {Control Status for synchronization}

The uploading login data stream=Account + Suitcase ID + Password + {Control Status for synchronization}


The description of Suitcase = Suitcase ID + Suitcase Image+ ID Image +Annotation

The Contained Items= Suitcase ID + DataItem ID + Initial position+ Current Position+ URL Description+ {Control Status for synchronization}

Security Permission = Read Permission | Write Permission

Synchronization Variables = Suitcase ID | DataItem ID


And some other necessary data items for keeping the consistency of the database.

5. The Control Stream


5.1 The Control Stream for Uploading

The uploading could be divided into two separate operations. The first is responsible for the initialization of suitcase image, suitcase ID and the ID image etc. Another copes with the specifications of the items contained in a specific suitcase.




5.2 The Control Stream for Inspection

It is assumed that Uploadingare forbidden during Inspection. It is also assumed that a local version of suitcases image could be kept in the clients, as it would reduce the data transfer significantly.






5.3 The Data Management on Server

The data management in server responses to the uploading requests, and stores the uploaded data in the database. It copes with the download all imagesrequests from the inspectionand observer, and it is better to keep a distributed object list to inform Observerclients that which item has been checked and transfer their current positions to Observerclient.

The key implementation issues in servers data management are to keep data consistency and synchronize the data access.


6. Key Algorithms


6.1 Display_Suitcase

For each suitcase, execute the following steps recursively,

1) Read the source suitcase image into video buffer;

2) Display the backgroundsuitcase image in which all items are removed by their initial positions,

3) For each item, copy the pixels of rectangle indicated by the initial positionfrom the source image and paste them to the current positionin display canvas.


Annotations: 1) It is assumed that if the suitcase item has not been checked, then its current positionequals to initial position; 2) the overlay order need Shu Leas further confirmation when the items occupy the same position. In the aforementioned algorithm, the overlay order is ignored.


6.2 Inspect_Suitcase

If a mouse click in a suitcase region, freeze the display, and waiting for further clicking in items region. Then for each click event occurs in items region, execute the following steps recursively,

1) fetch the current position of this item, and calculate a new random position for this item, and refresh the display of this item;

2) write the URL related to this item to the text field in a random colour, size and font;

3 ) save this URL in another separate window

4) inform the server that this item has been checked, and write its new position back into servers database.


6.3 Specify_Items_in_Suitcase


For a specific suitcase image,

1) input the item Id and URL description, and check the data format etc.

2) mark the items region in the suitcase image by rectangles.

3) set specified rectangle as both items initial positionand current position

4) transfer all items specification to server, and write them into the database.



7. Object (Stream) Analysis and Specification


7.1 Suitcase Object and Item Object






Public class Suitcase extends Applet{

int SuitcasID;

Image SuitcaseSourceImage; // getImage(URL of server or clients SuitcaseSourceImage, SuitcasID.JPEG)

Image IDImage; // getImage(URL of server or client s IDImage, SuitcasID.JPEG);

SuitcaseItem itemArray[MAXIMUM_ITEMS] // Object list of Suitcase Items


Public void Dispay_Suitcase();

Public void Inspect_Suitcase();

Public void Specify_Items_In_Suitcase();


Protected Boolean AddItems(SuitcaseItem Item);

Protected Boolean DeleteItems(SuitcaseItem Item);

Protected Boolean ReplaceItems(SuitcaseItem OldItem, SuitcaseItem NewItem);


Suitcase(int suitcaseID, Image SuitcaseSourceImage , Image IDImage);



Public class SuitcaseItem extends Applet{

int ItemID;

Rectangle InitialPosition; // Rectangles are represented as [(x_Sart, y_Start), (x_End, y_End)]

Rectangle CurrentPosition;


Public SuitcaseItem(Int ItemID, Rectangle InitialPosition); // Initialize the Item

Protected PositionModification(Rectangle CurrentPosition); // change its current position



7.2 Database on the Server


If the maximum number of suitcase is restricted to as 50, there are two main approaches to carry out the data management of suitcase.


7.2.1 Stardard I/O Stream /File


The file head is number of inspector,

s The file body is organized as follows:











The file head is number of uploading persons ,

The file body is organized as follows:


uploading person1



uploading personr2






The file head is number of suitcases ,

The file body is organized as follows:


Suitcase ID1, Number of Items, Suitcase Image file name, ID Image file name

Item1, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition, URL1

Item2, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition, URL2


ItemN, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition URLN

Suitcase ID2, Number of Items, Suitcase Image file name, ID Image file name

Item1, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition, URL1

Item2, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition, URL2


Item M, InitialPositin, CurrentPosition, URL M


7.2.2 Database Tables

The tables for inspectionand uploadingare the same as file bodies of inspection and uploading profile. The Suitcase data could be split into two tables.



Suitcase ID1

Suitcase Image file name 1

ID Image file name 1

Suitcase ID2

Suitcase Image file name 2

ID Image file name 2





Suitcase ID

Item ID



URL description






7.2.3 Serialization of Suitcase Object

It could also be carried out as serialization of Suitcase Object.


8 The Communication Interface of Clients/Server, Hardware/Software


The data transfer between Uploadingclient and server is usually based on TCP/IP socket.

The data transfer between Inspectionclient and server is usually based on TCP/IP socket, and the RMI could be used if a distributed list of checked items is maintained in server.



The interface between Hardware(scanning machine) and Software is the JPEG image of the suitcase from the scanning machine


9. The User Interface


Refer to Shu Leas system web page1 and web page2.


10 Hardware/Software Platform

Hardware: X-ray scanning machine

Software: Java Applet and Netscape


11 Annotations


1) It is a time-critical task. Shu Lea desire that this system can run at the end of July. A general implementation is difficult to achieve this in six weeks. We should find some reasonable simplification approaches for its implementation.


2) The complexity of its implementation is mainly dependent on the control stream. It is still open, and difficult to write something about it now. Such as the multiple inspections or the uploading or inspection happens at the same time.


3) Summary of last discussion (June 15, Monika, Wolfgang, Shu Lea): a) Shu Lea said that it is acceptable that only one Inspection client is allowed to run on internet at the same time. Then synchronization of data access will be simplified; 2) Shu Lea said we can also assume a MAXIMUM number of suitcases such as 50 (we need to confirm this with Shu Lea today), then we can carry out the database managementfunctions by a standard I/O stream(or files), not by a real database system; 3) In order to reduce the data transfer congestion of images between Inspectionclient and Server, it is better to let the inspectionclient keep a local version of servers database. To maintain the consistency, the system can forbid uploadingduring inspectionor refresh the local version by timer. 4) Shu Lea requires that the inspectionresult could be observed by the other user. Does it have meanings if only one inspectionclient is permitted on the internet?

Appendix A Shu Leas Carry-on Proposal


Project Proposal for Internationale FrauenuniversitSt IFU, Hanover



a participatory workshop/installation/net project for IFU's summer 2000 program


CARRY ON is an art project designed to work with students of IFU's summer 2000 program in the area of migration and information.


A Carry On suitcase for a translocated is compact packaging of self-cherished possesion and memory -- from passport to family photo, from trashy novel to address book, from cultural icon to daily necessities. For a self designated journey (individual mobility) or involuntarily transportation (collective migration) , we hold tight our Carry On. The Carry On is managed/manageable information of self continuity and connectivity. We go through security check with our Carry On. Items contained are Xrayed and subsequently hand searched and close examined should suspicion arise. Suggested by

"an increasing de-territorialization and displacement through collective migrations and increasing individual mobility. " (Migration.html, IFU), I propose we 'PACKAGE' our survial Carry On.


This Carry On is deposited, patrolled and can be retrieved and reprocessed on the Net. This Carry On package is to be patrolled by net public.


The projects calls for each participating student to package a suitcase, which should not exceed total dimensions of 9"x13"x23" (a common airline practice for hand carry luggage). The packaged suitcases are required to go through security scanning machine patrol and be shown X ray negative on the scanning monitor. This scanned carry on images will be fed directly onto the Net - a designated website for Carry ON project. The net public can examine the scanned suitcases on the net as each suitcase travels through the conveyer belt of the scanning machine. The net public can 'inspect' the negative image of the suitcase content and 'STOP' a suitcase for further item by item hand check should any suspicion arise on their part. By 'stopping' a suitcase, a link to the suitcase's contents and infodata (provided also by participating students) is established. The Net public, acting as inspectors and acting on their own judgement, can retrieve selective information. A decision can be made by a netuser/inspector to STOP the suitcase from further distribution if it does contain dangerous objects.


The project is mainly net-based. Java Applet programming is requiredfor infodata management. The hardware technical end of scanning machine monitor to internet image feed is yet to be developed.


CARRY ON project conceived for IFU by Shu Lea Cheang

Shu Lea Cheang is a media/net/film artist. Her cybernetic installation works include commissions by Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, US), Atopic Site (Tokyo government, Japan), NTT/InterCommunication Center (Tokyo, Japan), the Guggenheim Museum (New York, US). Her work has received fundings from the Rockerfellor Foundation, AT&T New Art/New Vision, NTT/Nippon Telephone & Telegraph, The Mondriaan Foundation, The Bohen Foundation and te Dutch Ministry of Culture among others.



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