\\ Archive\ Archive Interfaces


Browse through netzspannung.org's databases

A central component of netzspannung.org is its publicly accessible archive. This comprises numerous works of media art, projects from IT research, and lectures on media theory as well as on aesthetics and art history, all in the form of text, image and video presentations. The archive also contains content processed by the editorial team as well as community contributions.
netzspannung.org firmly believes that contextualization and visualization are crucial factors in the discovery and acquisition of knowledge. This is why the archive interfaces provide alternative accesses to netzspannung.org's database.

Classic View 2004

The classic view interface presents the database's contents in list form. Here visual information is a significant element, supporting visual access to the contents of the database. These contents (project descriptions, events, articles) can be arranged and sorted according to different criteria.
[link 01] To Classic View

Archive Browser 2004

The archive browser provides an overview of all the database's contents. They are organized in different categories (people, subject matter, keywords, latest additions), are combined into indexes, and presented in alphabetical lists. Thus the user can, for example, obtain an overview of all the people featured in the archive or look through the database's contents grouped by keyword.
[link 02] To Archive Browser

Randomizer 2004

The randomizer interface automatically generates with each loading process a random selection of 30 images, each of which refers to an entry in the database. It offers a purely visual and intuitive access to the archive.
[link 03] To Randomizer

Semantic Map 2004

The semantic map presents the archive in an overview map, structuring and visualizing netzspannung.org's database entries according to semantic criteria. The semantic map provides new possibilities for discovering semantic connections between content from different disciplines.
German Version Start
English Version Start
[link 04] Requires Java Web Start - Info

Media-Flow 2008

The Media-Flow is based on the metaphor of the flow of thought. A generative mechanism transforms the content of the Archive into parallel information flows of images and text. The users orient themselves visually or textually. Once a topic is selected it moves from the peripherie to the center. The interface combines visualization, sound, movement and context. It transforms passive information into an interactive, time-based and narrative media.
[link 05] To Media-Flow

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://netzspannung.org/archive/classic/en
[link 02]http://netzspannung.org/archive/browser/en
[link 03]http://netzspannung.org/archive/randomizer/en
[link 04]http://netzspannung.org/about/tools/semantic-map/#technical-info
[link 05]http://medienfluss.netzspannung.org/