\\ netzspannung.org\ History


At the beginning of the history of netzspannung.org was a vision: the development of digital culture - which will not only revolutionise our communication but change our entire environment - must not be left solely in the hands of the technology developers. The development should be shaped by a transdisciplinary exchange between all the creative forces of digital culture - between computer scientists, artists, designers and arts scientists - and at the same time the public should be kept thoroughly informed about the latest discourses in the different disciplines. Both these processes should be initiated and promoted with the netzspannung.org Internet platform.
The history of netzspannung.org tells of how a vision turned into netzspannung.org - a knowledge space for digital art and culture.

The Beginnings

In the beginning there was a stocktaking of art with digital technologies, as well as of its social, political and economic relevance.
[link 01] The beginnings  

Design and development

In the first phase of the project, netzspannung.org was designed and developed as an Internet-based information, communication and production platform.
[link 02] The first project phase  

Internet platform for media-cultural education

Since late 2002 the focus has been on developing netzspannung.org as an educational and training instrument for media artists, art teachers and art historians/scholars, through which they can acquire specialist knowledge and skills.
[link 03] The second project phase  

netzspannung.org - context

Alongside this development of netzspannung.org further platforms for digital art have been created. Future plans envisage networking this knowledge and making it explorable with powerful global tools (across data pools or even across platforms) for visualising knowledge.
[link 04] Context  

netzspannung.org - outlook

Alongside the expansion and improvement of netzspannung org. we have the intention to interface with archives from other media cultural institutions.
[link 05] Outlook

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://netzspannung.org/about/history/beginnings/en
[link 02]http://netzspannung.org/about/history/phase1/en
[link 03]http://netzspannung.org/about/history/phase2/en
[link 04]http://netzspannung.org/about/history/context/en
[link 05]http://netzspannung.org/about/history/outlook/en