netzspannung.orgE-TEACHING PLATFORM AND ONLINE ARCHIVE FOR MEDIA ART | is a platform for interactive art and media art education. has been online since 2001, and defines itself as a tool for researching, reflecting upon, and imparting electronic culture. The platform for the
[link 01] theory and practice of media art offers over 2,500 work descriptions, texts, images and videos for the purpose of interdisciplinary education in
[link 02] art,
[link 03] design and
[link 04] informatics. Every month, between 100,000 and 150,000 international visitors take advantage of the cost-free access to over 200 hours of
[link 05] lectures and
[link 06] experimental teaching and learning modules for schools and universities.
Videos about - online archive for media art and digital culture (2005)
[link 07] [Real Media | 3,33 min.] - Internet platform for media art, media theory, media technology (2003)
[link 08] [Real Media | 3,33 min.]
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Thematic Content Areas The focus of lies on interactive media art in the context of interdisciplinary
[link 09] artistic research,
[link 10] archiving and
[link 11] publication, as well as in the participation of the digital media
[link 12] community. includes editorial and open channels. Peer-reviewed content, editorial contributions and user contributions generated a growing pool of information in the period of 2001-2009. Media Artists from around the world use the platform through an integrated
[link 13] translation tool.
Work- and project presentations on topics such as
[link 15] Explore Information,
[link 16] Cultural Heritage,
[link 17] Digital Transformations, Artist-
[link 18] Games (2004-05)
Video documentaries, lectures and discussions by reknowned artists and scientists (2001-05)
The academic competition provides an insight into the teaching of digital media at universities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland. (2001-08)
[link 21] LERNEN & LEHREN
Teaching models for teaching with digital media in schools and universities (2001-07)
An open channel to publish your own projects and events (2004-09)
[link 23] E-CULTURE
Transfer of new technologies in everyday culture, art, science and industry (2005-09)
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Interfaces and Data Performers connects structure and content of the archive with innovative interfaces and navigation tools. Navigation through data space is supported by
[link 24] Semantic Maps. The
[link 25] Media Flow orchestrates the database as a stream of images and terms: The archive talks back. Classic search with the Archive Browser is complemented by intuitive tools for finding and discovering knowledge. The statistic tool
[link 26] Most Wanted shows the most frequently viewed documents of the platform.
[link 27] CAT Studie,
[link 28] Memoria Futura Symposium, Conference
[link 29] CAST01 - Living in Mixed Realities, Transferlab
[link 30] eCulture Factory, Veranstaltung
[link 31] eCulture Trends, Exhibition
[link 32] – Performing the Archive, Competition
[link 33] Digital Sparks,
[link 34] Medienfluss Browser.
[link 35] Digital Transformations (2004) is a reader with over 50 contributions from reknowned authors on interactive media art and its potential for innovation in education, business and science.
Awards has received a number of
[link 36] awards, excellent as a
[link 37] place of ideas (2010) and as
[link 38] eTeaching platform (2006); the
[link 39] IF Communication Design Award for Media Flow (2007) and the
[link 40] Medidaprix Audience Award for the Learning area (2005); the
[link 41] Semantic Map as a product of the future (2007) and with the ZKM | Media(art)-Award for Science and Art (2005).
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Authors, Partners, Funding was developed by the
[link 42] MARS – Exploratory Media Lab of the
[link 43] Fraunhofer IAIS under the direction of artists and scientists
[link 44] Monika Fleischmann and
[link 45] Wolfgang Strauss.
[link 46] Partner were
[link 47] authors,
[link 48] academics,
[link 49] media-art institutions,
[link 50] museums, the
[link 51] KUBIM project, the
[link 52] Burda Academy and other
[link 53] publishers.
Sponsors of were the
[link 54] BMBF: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Senator for Economy and Ports Bremen and the Fraunhofer Society. More about the
[link 55] evolution of (1998 – 2009).
As of 2010, the action radius of widens through cooperation with an exhibition space, the
[link 56] ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.
Contact contact [at]